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*Feeling butterflies in stomach*


*finding yourself on cloud 9*

*evry love song seems to be written for you*

All this happen when you are in love..but what happens when you aren't sure about your love..

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I'm not gonna fight for you. I'm gonna miss you like hell. Miss our sleepovers. Our late night discussions as we snuggled. You pulling me close to you. I'll miss the nights as we laid there hugging, stealing kisses in the darkness. So innocent and pure. I love you. More then you know. And yet I hate you for doing this to me. Putting me in a position of loving someone I'm not supposed to love. I'm not supposed to want. You are no good for me.
I keep telling myself that. I repeat it in my head hoping I convince my heart. I don’t want to loose you. It hurts you as much as it hurts me. I could hear it in your voice that night. You meant what you said. I don’t want you to ever stop loving me. It seems only yesterday we were dorks hooking up in my room. You introduced me to a whole new world. You grabbed my heart. I didn't know it then. I'm going to miss your embrace. Your cologne. 

Running my fingers through your hair. I love you. I hate your dad shoes and your pessimistic attitude. And your annoying intelligence. But I love you. The fact that you need to be right all the time. That you constantly talk about woman as things to posses, yet I love you. I love that dorky smile that smirks across your face every time I say something stupid. I'm gonna miss it. I'm gonna miss you. And yet I will continue to see you everyday. But it wont be the same. I lost you, the you I love. I miss you. I love you. Come back to me. I'm waiting.

I just wish I was brave enough to talk to you.
In my head everything is so messed up, but I'll try my best to explain.

After all this time, I still don't know how to stop remembering our memories and looking for you everywhere I go. I can't stop relating us to every song I hear. I don't know if I miss you, or if I miss having someone. But I don't know if I'll ever feel as comfortable with someone as I was with you.
I miss having you to care about me and to share small things. You were the one I could tell everything, because you were the only one who completely won my trust. And I miss your hug - but I guess you already know that.
I'm sorry I never believed you when you said that there wouldn't be someone who cares about a guy more than you.
I guess it's too naive to think that we could get back together. I ruined it and I don't know how to fix it. I feel really bad about what I did to you. Maybe I was too young to actually be with someone so dedicated to me. I feel sorry about the reason I gave up one us. And it really breaks my heart that we're not together, and that is my entire fault.
I'm afraid I'm gonna tell you all those things and then one day wake up and feel completely different. I'm not sure about anything. I can't assure you a future. That's how I am, and that's how I screwed it all.
I'm also really afraid you are not the same. I'm afraid that I made you change, and you completely erased me. I'm afraid, besides almost sure, you hate me right now - and I hate myself for that. I feel the worst person in the world when I remember everything I did, and the pain you felt because of me. Then I think that you're totally right in hating and avoiding me, and I should move on. But I'm afraid I can't get over you.
If I'm right and you hate me, please do me a favor one last time: hit me hard with your words, in the way only the person who knew me the most can do, so I can't ever look at you again and feel passionate.

But if you're able to forgive, just call me - maybe you still remember my number, just like I never forgot yours - and I promise I will try my best, so things can feel right again. I promise to tell you everything and hear you carefully. I just have to warn you that some things don't change. I can be really moody and I am still insecure.

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