Sharing The Love Of Written Word!

*Feeling butterflies in stomach*


*finding yourself on cloud 9*

*evry love song seems to be written for you*

All this happen when you are in love..but what happens when you aren't sure about your love..

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I *am* in #love# with you and I don't even know #what# to do with it.

By  Unknown     10:35    Labels:, 

It is you every single day. Since I met you. When I would watch you play tennis between mine two-a-day football practices that summer sophomore year. When I and my brother took our uncles truck to take your sister and you to the movies. When I called you every single day and told you I was going to marry you and be with you every second and not a second less. When we were in chemistry and I would play with your hand under the table then stop- just holding it. When I would write the answers to our tests under your skirt and draw pictures in your chem notebook. When I picked you up and held you and set you down on top of my car.

Every single moment I was in love with you.
And I remember sitting on the tennis courts, with all my friends around me, thinking only of you.
You changed everything.
When you hugged me under my football bleachers that's the first time I ever felt the world spin around me. I understood, you were the center of my world. Everything would always spin around you. The only place I would ever fit was in your arms.

And now, 1445 days later, I haven't got too far. I tried to leave and I came right back. And I tried to find new girls but they could barely keep my eyes open. And I tried to figure you out so we could live this fairytale. And you just spent the night in my arms and you didn't even try to kiss me. You woke up and I were squeezing you so tight you thought I was never going to let you go. And I closed my eyes and tried to do just that, freeze that moment; just keep you in my arms for the rest of my life.
I don't think we would even know how to be together but I know that every single moment- every time I have felt your arms around me, that is what I want to keep forever.

I love you with every single inch of me. I love you with every single moment I have. I love you because before I even know what love was, you counted backwards to 14 and told me that was your favorite number, because that was the day you met me.

I'm in love with you and I don't even know what to do with it.
I'm in love with you because your shit's all messed up, and so is mine.

About Unknown

Hi There!Welcome I'm Roy and I write stuffs I am passionate off.This blog is made with reader submissions, so if you have anything you'd like to share, please let me know of it.Feel to be loved because loving is quite easy...)

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