Sharing The Love Of Written Word!

*Feeling butterflies in stomach*


*finding yourself on cloud 9*

*evry love song seems to be written for you*

All this happen when you are in love..but what happens when you aren't sure about your love..

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By  Unknown     06:29    Labels:,,,,,,,, 

Its going to be exactly 2years since we entered into a long distance because I had to leave.
How did we manage,people ask.

-Yes, we have been through all of it.
Jealousy when she would not have time for me but I would find her talking to others.
Insecurity when I would talk to her about my new friends (particularly girls).
Possessiveness when I would notice her talking to some other guy whom I didn't know.
Fights because both of us would be frustrated because of the distance.
Tears coz the fights would have the better of us and would leave us broken..
Tears of missing!
Initially we couldn't really cope with the distance because we were the kind who would meet everyday! The days seemed incomplete without her and I found it difficult to accept that I just couldn't see her.not even for a second.
That I couldn't feel her.
But let me tell you, you get used to it,once you accept it.
I stayed , when She told me to leave.
She gave me the strength when I thought I couldn't take the distance anymore.
We were there for eachother.
We had a choice. 
A choice- to either take the easy way out and part ways or to be together and face things as they come.
We chose the second option coz we loved eachother too much to leave.
We could do it! We would do it!....for eachother!

Who said it was going to be easy?
They just said that the ride was gonna be worthwhile. 
Today , A major part of who I am is because of her. She is been there with me when the world left.
She has held my hand each time I thought I couldn't go on.
She made me believe in myself again when I gave up.
She didn't leave when most people would have.

Then, How could we give up?..:)
Who said that you have to see eachother everyday to be in love?

We are two people perfect for eachother who just fell in love at the wrong time.
And so I ll wait for "our time". Coz even this distance can't take her away from me.
She's all I have!


About Unknown

Hi There!Welcome I'm Roy and I write stuffs I am passionate off.This blog is made with reader submissions, so if you have anything you'd like to share, please let me know of it.Feel to be loved because loving is quite easy...)

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